Orphan Cane Sample Pack
Individually labeled orphan rods/offcuts to try our veiled cane, test for base compatibility, or just for fun!. Note this will not be one of every color, but rather a mix of current/unavailable colors and bases (BO vs SP). Choice of 1/2 lb thinner cane (3-7mm) or 1 lb thick cane (8-11mm).
Harlow Glass is currently producing 96 coe veiled cane with both a Bomma base (BO) and a new iteration of Spruce Pine (SP). We will also offer out-of-production GG Glass (GG). If using the veiled cane with minimal 96 coe frit, stringer, shards, etc, you should be safe to mix/match BO, SP, and GG. If you create layered encased solid forms/beads or use with other 96 coe cane (Reichenbach, Uroborous, Kugler, Gaffer, etc) you will definitely want to test for compatibility. We offer orphan bundles for testing purposes.
Color code:
BO = Harlow Glass produced with Bomma
SP = Harlow Glass produced with Spruce Pine
GG = out-of-production GG Glass by Gail Joseph
1c = 1-color
2c = 2-color (blended color)
duo = 2-color duotone (separated color)